Corporate History

AHONA Heating Products & Distribution , LLC was created to meet the business ideas of its founding members Alisa Schumacher and Mark Schoellig. The Corporate Umbrella of AHONA Heating Products & Distribution LLC , Inc. includes two business subsidiaries: Alternative Heating of North America (AHONA ) and Weekend Wings .

Weekend Wings is a business entity focusing on Aviation and Leisure/Sports activities and products.

Alisa Schumacher and Mark Schoellig

Alternative Heating of North America (AHONA ) operates its business entity focusing on the distribution of Alternative Heating and Energy Products. This is accomplished through a network of Authorized Dealers. The primary vision of this business grew from Mark's keen interest in exploring alternative, innovative energy and heating products.

AHONA has adopted a Corporate Mission to continually strive for products that stay in the forefront of design and technology. Our goal is to balance the offering of consumer's products that improve quality of life complimented by affordable pricing.

While the Gasification technology is still a new and developing technology in the United States, it has been utilized in the European Market for two decades. By utilizing this proven European design that has been in existence for the last two decades we are able to insure the ability to offer the consumer a product that is efficient and effective, eliminating the guesswork or fine-tuning that occurs when new designs and technologies that are unproven enter the Marketplace.

In addition to the Vigas VIMAR® and Viadrus® Solid Fuel Boiler brands, we also carry a wide array of additional products to help enhance your purchase of your alternative heating system.

Whether you are a licensed plumber or the do-it-yourselfer we strive to offer other essential components needed to complete the job. We support the business model of a network of Dealers to assist in having local support and service striving to offer products that meet our stringent standards for quality and value.

Instead of touting ourselves as the undisputed leader in alternative heating products, we strive for quality and commitment. In lieu of operating strictly on Internet sales, we prefer the traditional business models. We feel it is important to maintain a presence through a Network of Dealers, so that the consumer has a localized business contact. We are not looking for a quick Internet sale, which is why you will find us at Tradeshows, fairs, farm shows etc. where the consumer can come and see the units firsthand.

In many instances you will also find one of our show trailers at various shows with units in operation, To Us you are not just an Internet sale!

Additionally, we have several units in operation at our warehouse facility, where a consumer can see the units running and gain knowledge on their operation.

We let the consumer be the best judge of our service and performance. We strive for business integrity and adhere to sound business practices. We are an accredited member of the Better Business Bureau, are listed with Dunn & Bradstreet, and are a founding member of BTEC.

We would like to extend a warm welcome for visiting our website. Should you have additional questions or wish additional information we encourage you to complete the "Contact Us" section of our website.

Thank you for your interest. We look forward to hearing from you.

Mark J. Schoellig, CEO , Alisa A. Schumacher, Chairman and all of our dedicated staff

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