Viadrus Hercules ECO
Appliance Style

Viadrus Hercules ECO Appliance Style

Certified UL391 and CSA-B366.1
Output: 7 - 42 kW

Fuel: wood pellets

High life time of cast iron shell
Automatic ignitron
Equithermal regulation of heating branch and hot-water preparation
A possibility of combination with solar systems
Low emissions
Guarantee 5 years for shell

    Construction option :The boiler is produced in two versions: "new design" and "old design." It is different from its design and boiler regulator. Due to fuel spillage over a flexible hose a variability of reservoir placement is possible there - right/left side.

    Boiler HERCULES ECO is intended for economy and ecological heating with demands on automatic operation and minimal demand on boiler's attendance. Due to low emission eco-label was awarded to the boiler HERCULES ECO.

    Boiler construction and fuel channels - the shell is formed by cast iron unit of own construction, whereby high life time of the boiler is guaranteed. The burner empties into the combustion chamber up to it a ceramic arch and ceramics are placed. These direct burning and have positive influence on emission values. Fuel is transported into the burner by the help of two screw conveyors with individual drives that are connected with flexible hose. It protects from eventual fire penetration of channels and boiler safety is secured. Heating system is protected from overheating by safety thermostat.

    The boiler supplied under the trade mark HERCULES ECO "new design" includes automatic ignition, and version of possible connection with solar systems.

    Due to its high variability of setting the parameters of regulator the boiler enables fully and effectively utilize the merits of automatic wood pellet boilers, especially economy operation, controlled combustion process and thereby combustion polluting material minimization.

    *Hercules ECO Appliance Style - description as appliance style applies to the design look
    of the cabinetry only. Sleek streamlined look of boiler for a modernized design asthetic, and does not imply any additional modernization version of the product. This unit is designed for residential use.

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